Being rich is meant for you–and it’s within your control. You can embody the confidence of a rich person at this moment, even if you don’t consider yourself as one. Having this “rich mindset” can unlock new opportunities and a new way of thinking. Here’s what a rich mindset looks like and how to build […]

Money Mindset

How to Build Your Fortune With a Rich Mindset

Black woman working on her rich mindset

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Black woman stating I want to be rich not wealthy

Repeat after me: “I want to be wealthy, not rich.” That’s because being rich simply means having or earning a lot of money. On the other hand, being wealthy means having good financial habits and systems to ensure that you stay rich. It’s one thing to have money, and it’s another to keep it that […]

Money Mindset

“I Want to be Wealthy, Not Rich”: 15 Important Money Rules

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Black woman embracing financial prosperity

Is money the root of all the dinners out, fun vacations, and new heels? Or is it the source of frustration for you? For example, having to pay rent, bills, and other expenses. These necessary expenses keep many women from living their best lives. But achieving financial prosperity, taking care of the basics, and paying […]

Money Mindset

Financial Prosperity: How to Make it Yours

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What do Madam CJ Walker, Oprah Winfrey, and Serena Williams have in common? They all grew up in poverty and still ended up becoming rich and famous. Feel-good stories about going from rags to riches like theirs tend to have one common thread: hard work. But is it really all you need to become successful? […]

Money Mindset

The Real Truth About Success and Hard Work

Black woman celebrating success and hard work

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